02/08 2022

NAC officially launches short-term training programs in a series of attractive majors

Since its conception and throughout its development, the North American College (NAC) has constantly strived to improve in all aspects from the quality of the training programs to its facilities so as to be worthy of being a member unit of the Indochina Group.

NAC always sets its sights on promptly meeting the labor market’s human resource needs in Vietnam. On top of that, AmCollege also wants to equip its students with the knowledge and skills to serve the working process and a long-term promotion path. To realize these goals and desires, in August 2022, NAC officially launched a short-term training program with a series of attractive and modern majors in many fields such as Culinary, Barista, Spa, and Digital Marketing.

These are the majors with the greatest potential for development today in the Vietnamese labor market, as NAC is autonomous in pioneering, developing, and completing high-quality training programs. With classes being open on a regular basis, and shortened study time with flexible time slots, AmCollege is adamant that it will help students optimize their learning path and seize one-in-a-lifetime career opportunities.

These short-term training programs promise to yield a successful enrollment season for NAC and thereby become anything but a small anchor point for Indochina Group’s unrelenting development.

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