17/11 2021

VR – With helpful benefits for students in their studying

IEDG is proud of being one of the leading education systems by constantly innovating and applying the newest technology in optimizing and diversifying teaching methods at schools in Vietnam.

Since 2020, The Western Australian International School System (WASS) has applied Virtual Reality (VR) in STEAM classes. It was a huge change to break through traditional teaching methods and bring freshness to our students through more lively visual images. Due to VR, students could develop their imagination in their own way and get more exciting experiences in studying. Besides that, the implementation of these technologies has helped students adapt and update to the latest studying methods.

Both the Robotics subject and Programming subject have been a favorite among students to interact with their peers and others. When applying new technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), they have helped turn our classes into amazing interactive places of learning for our students. Besides, the laboratories system is applying above mentioned technologies allowing students to analyze, learn and interact with objects and phenomena through 3D visualization, making sciences subjects much more interesting

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